Expected and above 2023 EYFS, KS1 & KS2 SAT and other scores averaged over each primary year group Expected and above 2023.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [261.1 KB]
Attention to detail What to look for in the classroom which indicates high standards are being pursued Attention to detail.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [111.2 KB]
Key elements of a school self-evaluations The most important elements to include within a school self-evaluation. Key elements of a School Self-Evaluation[...] Adobe Acrobat document [223.6 KB]
Key lesson features checklist The 'non-negotiables' which should be seen in all lessons. Key lesson features checklist.docx Microsoft Word document [47.3 KB]
List of evaluative words A range of words to use in a school self-evaluation. An evaluative word should be used in every sentence. Lists of evaluative words.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [96.1 KB]
Behaviour for learning - ideas for Governors to look for Behaviour+for+Learning+-+ideas+for+Governors+to+look+for Behaviour+for+Learning+-+ideas+for+Gover[...] Adobe Acrobat document [377.3 KB]